A brilliant cat book for children by Rob Laidlaw

Rob Laidlaw has spent his life working with animals and wildlife protection, and has written a number of books on animal issues, aimed at children. A perfect balance between the sometimes tough ‘real-life’ aspects of animals’ lives, and the enjoyable and positive aspects of their lives, whether they be owned, rescued or feral. ‘Cat Champions: Caring for Our Feline Friends’ promises to be as awesome as his previous books – pre-order now to avoid disappointment or delay, this book comes out in March 2014.


More cat art for charity!

While we’re on the subject of cat art, we need to apologise for missing this brilliant story a couple of months ago – this time, the cats themselves are making the art!

Cats at the Cats Protection centre in Belfast have been expressing their artistic skills using an iPad, with the aid of a squeaky mouse that passes across the screen. We particularly love the fact that Brutus the cat’s artwork appeared to have a ‘jungle theme’!! Click here for story. 

Cat Art Show in Los Angeles (USA)

A great opportunity to enjoy both cats and art, and an excuse to visit LA! This free event runs Jan 25th – Feb 2nd, 12-5pm, at Gallery 101/exhibit on Santa Monica Boulevard. There will be a little over 100 works for sale, and even better, some of the proceeds will be donated to the local stray cat charity! Here’s more information. 

If you can’t visit the show yourself, here’s a video with some interviews of the artists, at the show itself! Enjoy folks!

Remember to update your cat’s microchip details!

A lesson to those of us who move house and forget to change the address on the cat’s microchip – this cat had a Spanish microchip, but when the cat and owner moved to the UK, its microchip was still registered in Spain. After being found 30 miles away in a family’s garage, the owner’s name was luckily recognised by a local vets practice, and that cat was reunited with a grateful owner! Nothing like a happy cat story.

Changing your pet’s microchip details is easier if you know which company or database their microchip is registered with – your microchip registration documents will tell you this, or your vet may be able to help. The most common microchip databases in the UK are PetLog, PETtrac, and Anibase. There is sometimes a small fee for changing the details, but this is sometimes only a one-off, and well worth it!

First Cat Cafe comes to London!

After much anticipation, London’s first Cat Cafe, Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, opens its doors very soon, although the opening date is still unknown. Located in the hip and trendy area of Shoreditch, this cafe’s progress has been watched by many cat lovers. It employs many aspects of environmental enrichment to ensure the carefully-chosen cats can live a happy stress-free life…because they’re gonna be very well loved by Londoners!! Watch this space…